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Eight trends in the development of servo motor technology


Modern AC servo systems, which have undergone a transformation from analog to digital, have become ubiquitous, such as phase change, current, speed and position control, and it is not surprising that new power semiconductor devices, high-performance DSPs plus FPGAs, and servo-specific modules are being used. International manufacturers servo products will be replaced every 5 years, new power devices or modules every 2 to 2.5 years will be updated, new software algorithms are changing rapidly, in short, the product life cycle is getting shorter and shorter. Summarize the technical routes and product routes of domestic and foreign servo manufacturers, combined with changes in market demand, you can see the following latest trends:

1, high-speed, high-precision, high-performance

With higher precision encoders (per million pulse levels), higher sampling accuracy and data bits, faster DSPs, high-performance rotary motors without slot effect, linear motors, and modern control strategies such as adaptive and artificial intelligence, the indicators of servo systems are constantly improved.


2, integration and integration


3, generalization

Universal drive configuration has a large number of parameters and a wealth of menu functions, convenient for users without changing the hardware configuration, conveniently set into V/F control, no speed sensor open-loop vector control, closed-loop magnetic flux vector control, permanent magnetic brushless AC servo motor control and regeneration unit and other five working methods control engineering network copyright, suitable for all kinds of occasions, can drive different types of motors, such as asynchronous motor, permanent magnet sync motor, brushless DC motor, stepper motor, It can also be adapted to different sensor types or even without position sensors. Feedback from the motor itself can be used to form a semi-closed-loop control system, or a high-precision fully closed-loop control system can be formed by interface with an external position or speed or torque sensor.


4, intelligent


5, networked and modular

Integrating fieldbus and industrial Ethernet technologies, and even wireless network technologies, into servo drives has become a common practice in Europe and the United States. The important direction of the development of modern industrial LAN and the focus of competition of various bus standards are how to adapt to the requirements of real-time, reliability and synchronization of data transmission of high-performance motion control. With the rising demand for large-scale distributed control devices in China, the development of high-grade numerical control system has been successful, and the development of networked digital servo has become an urgent task. Modularity refers not only to the combination of servo drive modules, power modules, regenerative braking modules, and communication modules, but also to the modularity and reusability of software and hardware within servo drives.


6, from troubleshooting to predictive maintenance

With the continuous development of machine safety standards, traditional troubleshooting and protection techniques (determining the cause when problems occur and taking steps to avoid scaling up) have fallen behind, and the latest products are embedded in predictive maintenance technologies that enable people to keep abreast of dynamic trends in important technical parameters through the Internet and take preventive measures. For example, pay attention to the increase in current, evaluate peak current when the load changes, monitor the temperature sensor as the housing or core temperature rises, and be alert to any distortion of the current waveform.

7, specialization and diversification

Although there is a generic servo product range on the market, servo systems specifically designed and manufactured for a particular application abound. The use of magnetic materials with different properties, different shapes, different surface bonding structures (SPM) and embedded permanent magnet (IPM) rotor structures of motors, the use of split core structure technology in Japan makes the production of permanent magnetic brushless servo motors to achieve high efficiency, high volume and automation, and caused research by domestic manufacturers.


8, miniaturization and large-scale

Both permanent magnetic brushless servo motors and stepper motors are actively developing to smaller sizes, such as 20, 28, 35mm outer diameter; At the same time, in the development of more power and size of the machine, has seen the emergence of 500KW permanent magnet servo motor, reflecting the trend towards polarization.

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